What to Check after Cell Phone Repair in Vancouver?

Envision your cell phone, the steadfast companion to your everyday undertakings, getting back from the repair shop. It resembles inviting a companion back from a spa retreat - you anticipate that they should be in excellent condition, revived, and prepared to take on the world with you. Yet, stand by! Before you get all invigorated and begin arranging your next computerized caper, there's a fundamental custom to play out: the Post-Repair Checkup. Consider it a quality control test for your recently mended electronic sidekick.

This checkup is significant on the grounds that, can we just be real, even the best repair shops can overlook anything. It resembles getting a vehicle back from the specialist - you need to ensure everything's chugging along as expected before you hit the parkway. Your phone has had to deal with a ton: jabbed, goaded, and perhaps given new innards. This moment's the opportunity to play analyst and guarantee everything is working as it ought to be.

You'll need to really take a look at the essentials, as in the event that the screen is more responsive than a thoroughly prepared canine, or on the other hand on the off chance that the battery duration endures longer than your capacity to focus at an exhausting gathering. Yet, don't stop there! Dig further. Is the camera adequately sharp to transform your feline into an Instagram star? Are your applications running smoother than a lawmaker's commitment? This is your opportunity to be careful, similar to a fastidious parent examining their child's Halloween candy.

Prepared to set out on this indispensable mission of guaranteeing your phone isn't recently repaired, however reestablished to its previous magnificence? Lock in, educated companions, since we're jumping into a definitive agenda for post-cell phone repair!

Screen Sensitivity & Display Checks

Alright, let’s begin with the frontline of your smartphone journey – the screen. It’s the portal into your online life, and after repairing it should be more sensitive than a reality TV star on Twitter. Start your inspection by touching the touchscreen. Try swiping, tapping and pinching as you’re playing the Fruit Ninja game against its boss. The screen should load before a teenager typing in text. If it is as responsive as a sleepy sloth, Houston , we have an issue.

Now, onto the display. Star in your phone’s screen like it is the crystal ball showing you what lies ahead. As in a 70s psychedelic trip, do the colors seem strange? They shouldn’t. Your IG feed shouldn’t look like a unicorn on a fever. Or dead pixels – those puny traitors that just refuse to light up. They can transform your screen into a digital version of the connect-the-dots game. You don’t want that. Your appearance should be as crisp and clean-like a newly cleaned window.

In short, if your phone’s touch screen and display have failed to play as a dream team after repairing it, the only thing that should do is for you to march back to the repair shop. After all, you deserve a screen as sharp and sensitive as your brilliant retorts.

Battery Life Investigation

The second case we are going to investigate is the extremely crucial Battery Life Investigation. After repairing your phone’s battery, it should be holding up like a lone hero in an action movie – durable , dependable and eager for any challenge. First check to see whether your battery loses power quicker than a bathtub with an open hole. If your phone’s battery percentage depletes more quickly than enthusiasm on a Monday morning, it is not good news. Ideally, your phone should be able to run marathons rather than sprints that were flat out for the first 100 meters.

But resilience is not all. Your phone should not become a pocket-sized heater. A red flag occurs if holding your phone feels like a hot potato. It would be ideal if your device only warms up when you’re settling in to watch that series or are plotting out new routes, not while staying on standby like a sleepy cat enjoying the rays of sunshine. Smartphones could be the Shakespearean drama of overheating – full of possible tragedies and undesired consequences.

In this battery investigation, you want to find a middle ground – Goldilocks zone neither too hot nor too cold and just enough battery life. And if your phone’s battery life after the repair makes you nostalgic about yesterday when it was held all day, a sequel coming at her shop might be due. Keep in mind, a good battery is the pulse of your digital life – without it your phone is just another frilly paperweight.

Camera Quality Inspection

Ah, the Camera Quality Inspection – we make sure that your phone’s camera did not pursue a career in abstract art post-repair. First, take a selfie. 1980s video game character or a Martian on his holiday on the beach, something is wrong with your appearance – you look more like pixels than colors. It means that the camera you use should make you look like a star instead of being looked at as if you were taking part in some supernatural creature contest.

Now switch to the back camera. Now it’s time to prove its worth. 2 .Capture an image of something close up– such as your pet, a flower or the complicated design on your coffee spill onto the desk. This image should be sharper than a new dollar bill, it shouldn’t look like it was taken during bad weather on a roller coaster. Zoom in – every hair on your cat should be seen and if it’s a flower you can nearly smell the pollen. Dramatic effect is created by blurry photos, not an inherent quality.

Keep in mind that a good camera is similar to the truth serum – everything under it comes out, flaws and all. If your camera quality after repair is more as if you have been playing some impressionist art rather than normal photography, it’s time to go back riding the reputable tech doctor again. Your world deserves to be recorded in high definition not in mystery blur.


So there you have it – the ultimate post-repair checklist to ensure your beloved cell phone is not just fixed, but also fighting fit and fabulous. Let’s get to it and give your digital buddy the thorough once-over it deserves! Remember you can always contact us if things don’t go your way.

Published on:
April 1, 2024