Steps to Take If You Accidentally Break Your Brand New iPhone

People experience a sense of anticipation and perhaps joy when purchasing a brand-new iPhone. Its modern design and cutting-edge technology often make people proud of their phone, especially when it's fresh out of the box.

But, this seemingly harmless euphoria can lead to moments of carelessness, whether dropping the phone or being exposed to water damage. If this happens, an unfortunate accident could cause your device to have a broken screen or be wholly shattered, a devastating outcome for iPhone users.

Should an accident like this occur, this blog post will provide insight into the best course of action to take if your iPhone has been broken. We will discuss who the best repair services should contact and an estimated cost estimate of repair fees so you can restore your phone without any unnecessary damage or expense on purchasing a new one.

Gather all the Pieces 

Imagine the sinking heart of dropping and breaking your shiny new iPhone. Pinpoints of fear and distress rush through your veins. You don't want to be in this situation, but it is what it is.

To begin salvaging your phone, it is crucial to start by collecting all of the scattered pieces. This might involve you on your hands and knees, desperately searching for small fragments hidden in a carpet or through a pile of wet leaves.

Once you locate all the pieces, inspect the level of damage that has occurred. Maybe the phone's still in one piece but a bit dented and discoloured. There could be a smashed screen, teardrops of cracked glass, and scuffed buttons dotting the phone's edges. Whatever the situation may be, know that these things happen and decisions need to be made.

You can discover the iPhone repair options available by piecing together the information around the damage. Stay as zen as possible and use your control to make logical decisions. Lastly, try to learn and take something from the situation, as pesky as it is.

Contact a Repair Company 

Oh no! You've just accidentally shattered the screen of your brand-new iPhone. A hundred heartbreaking scenarios flash through your head, but don't stress -- there is a way you can still get your beloved gadget back to its original condition.

You must immediately contact a reputable cellphone repair company. Give them as much detail as possible about the accident so they can assess the damage accordingly. With their superior knowledge and expertise, they can present you with the options for repair or replacement.

Time is of the essence when it comes to these situations, as inevitable cracks and fractures can worsen if not promptly resolved. Do not let that happen: call a professional before the fatal wound has solidified.

By relying on the help of trusted cellphone repair experts, you can get your phone back in good health in no time. Don't let this as yet unpredictable outcome get you down. By acting swiftly and precisely, you can resume your everyday device user's life sooner rather than later.

Backup Your Data 

Your phone is a gold mine of information. You don't want to lose access to picture addresses, contacts, and important files.

If your device is still working correctly, now is the time to transfer all of your data to your computer or the tidy safety lockdown of your iCloud.

Should your device suffer severe damage, that transferred data will have been your salvation; you won't have to worry about scrambling replacement info again.

These extra several minutes spent backing up every last byte of information will be time well spent.

Buy Insurance

Breaking an iPhone, especially one of the newer models, can be the source of immense sorrow and frustration as all the money put into the phone gets lost in a single moment.

Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the potential adverse effects of a slip or fall and protect your phone from preventable disasters.

One is buying insurance for your phone, which can provide you with the coverage you need to fix or replace your phone from accidental breakage.

Although it may seem like a sizable investment up front, phone insurance deems itself invaluable in the long run with how often unfortunate incidents can accident untouched.

Not to mention the many slip-ups that can happen when trying to fiddle with a device, meaning that phone insurance is an essential consideration for any phone owner, as much for their peace of mind as for financial well-being.

Purchase a New Device 

Our phones have become an integral part of our lives, to such an extent that many of us experience a sense of panic when suddenly without one.

In the unfortunate event that something deleterious occurs, phones must be repaired.

When all other remedies fail and getting a repair isn't feasible, investing in a new device is the logical answer.

Buying a new phone requires some expense, but deals are available to help offset some of the burden.

Be sure to take the time to do some research and plan to retain your important files and data.

Following a few steps, you can positively prepare to replace your phone without facing the same dire fiscal crisis.

Final Words

To summarize, if you do the unfortunate and break your brand-new iPhone, don't panic. Immediately turn it off, assess the damage, contact support to learn the next step and use an online tutorial if available. Although these steps may be nerve-wracking, hopefully, you can better understand what to do when/if this situation arises. Just remember that replacing parts or repairing your device doesn’t necessarily mean starting from scratch, and there are plenty of options for fixing your pride and joy at home rather than going to a specialist. Overall, no matter how badly you think your phone is damaged, don't worry--with some quick-thinking and due diligence on your part, luckily, most broken iPhones can usually be fixed with relative ease–so don’t be afraid to handle it with confidence!

Published on:
October 17, 2023